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Writer's pictureKeirstin

How Far Will You Go To Share Your Truth?

Updated: Jul 20, 2022

Truth can be a hard for some people to live by. Each one of us has our own meaning. And some have no idea how to live within their own truth. Truth can be quite subjective and yet universal at the same time.

When I was working in a corporate positions, a sales person came to the door looking to sell a payment system. I was new and wasn't sure if they already used his services or not. So, I asked him to come in to get the contact information. While I was writing down the information, he started asking me about the symbols I wore that were dangling on a black cord around my neck. I wear a Sri Yantra and an Ankh symbol. I resonate greatly with their meanings. I said, "This one is called the Sri Yantra. It is originated from Hindu philosophy and connects with balance. This one is called an Ankh and it originated in Egypt and represents life." I am not sure if you are aware, but explaining these symbols full meanings, while at work, is not exactly a quick process.

He asked me about Jesus and if I believed in him. I said, "yes." Then he got on his phone and asked me if he could read me something. Me being kind, I said yes again. He began reciting a passage from the bible. After he was done, he asked me who the passage was talking about. At this point, I wanted to get back to work. I knew this wasn't a conversation my boss would enjoy paying me for. Now, don't get me wrong, I love talking about spiritual stuff, but, this conversation is not in my job description. I informed him I had to get back to work. He continued talking.

The passage the man was reciting was about truth and Jesus's path. I don't remember the exact passage and I don't feel it's relevant for this post. This man was determined to tell me his truth on how he interpreted this passage. During one of his pauses from him sharing his thoughts, I thanked him and asked if he needed anything more for business purposes. I explained that this conversation was not work related and I need to go back to work. Sadly, he didn't exactly get the memo I was trying to put out there. He walked slowly to the door while continuing to tell me that my truth was the wrong truth. He explained how I would be going to hell for it. I was very confused on what he was trying to convey considering I already told him I believed in Jesus and Jesus's message.

Once again, I asked the man to leave. I explained to him that I really needed to get back to work. He again refused to leave. At this point, I was starting to get worried and I will be honest, fear kicked in. I was the only one in the building and this man would not leave. My body started shaking. I was preparing myself for the worst. I tried listening to him, but it was hard to hear what he was saying. Fear was boiling up inside of me from him refusing to leave. My mind was racing analyzing his every move.

Then I heard him say, "If you believe in Jesus's truth then you wouldn't be acting this way." I stood their dumbfounded by what was going on and still scared of his next move. I asked him for the third time to please leave. He walked to the door like he was going to leave. I got a sense of relief, but only for a moment. He didn't leave. He didn't honor my request. Instead of leaving, he stepped closer to where I was standing. In that brief moment, I was thanking God/Universe/Spirit for their being a huge desk in between us.

He continued to tell me, "If your truth is wrong then you will live eternally in hell. If my truth is wrong, I will only live this lifetime in hell." I found this to be the most interesting comment of the entire exchange. However, I had enough of him at this point.

I was in fight or flight mode at this point. I let the man know he had to leave or I was calling the police. Thankfully, he finally got that memo. He walked to the door and left. Leaving me with one thing, TRUTH. MY TRUTH. Knowing that everyone has their own truth and beliefs. No one right and no one wrong in the eyes of truth.

This man believed what he was saying so passionately that, to him, it was truth. I didn't particularly believe what he was preaching. I also felt as if it was quite an aggressive way to express his message. However, I honored his path (to a degree, he did overstep my boundaries). And that is MY truth.

The one thing I am certain about, is that there is a higher power greater than our own. We live on ONE world and we are destroying it and each other by thinking everyone needs to be living our individual truth.

What is your truth? Do you feel so passionately about it that you would harm another for it? Do you even know your own truth?


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