This past 3 weeks I have been working crazy hours to get my businesses up and running. Something I have dreamed about for most my adult life. I spent way too many years not doing what I wanted to do and after getting my butt kicked at an entrepreneur event, I decide to push myself to the limits and get out of the fears of change and stability. I feared of not being liked, not having enough, not being good enough, not having anyone follow or like me, and on and on. So many fears come up when things need to be changed. Its how you decide to use those fears and let them run you. I am choosing NOW to use fear today to push me out of my comfort zone and get my butt out there and stop hiding.
UPDATE: I still continue to work on releasing the fears that come from starting your own business without support of the people closest to you. Each day I have to have a constant reminder that I can do this. I CAN do this. I CAN do this. I CAN do this. Repeating that to myself has helped me stay grounded and in my "go to" attitude. It might be a simple statement however, for me, it works (most of the time). I might find myself being super stressed out and crying because I am a perfectionist and want everything to happen NOW and my way, like most people. But for the most part, when I come back and recite these simple words to myself, it brings me back to my center and reminds me of why I am doing this.
What statement works for you? Is there something you have been meaning to do but let fear stop you? What can you do for yourself today to make that first step in creating that life you always wanted?